The actual situation of abuse revealed by nursery teachers ... Why in a situation where you can't afford it?The problem in the national arrangement standard is that her one year old is confined in a dark toilet and silent with a fist in the mouth for an hour and a half of 15 2 -year -olds ...Jinged voice smoothly voice ranking editorial team chose attention!Sukusukuku voice

 "Gya".One of the answers to the questionnaire, a childcare worker (30), a nursery worker working in a licensed nursery school in Kanagawa Prefecture, heard a boy crying like a scream in a one -year -old class in her homeroom.It was when I was trying to return home by taking over to another nursery teacher.Continue the shouting of the nursery teacher.He returned to the room in a hurry and called out to the nursery teacher, but was served so that nothing was happened.

 The next morning, the boy's left arm has a strong bruise.I reported to the director while thinking "no way", but the nursery teacher who heard the situation quit the following month.

 The woman witnessed abuse at another nursery school.An elderly nursery was pushed off a one -year -old girl who failed in her toilet and trapped in a dark toilet with the electricity disappeared.The girl was silent, pushing the fist into the girl's mouth, as the girl did not cry."I thought it was terrible, but I couldn't say anything because I took care of other children."At a later date, when I reported to the vice -director, I was denied that "that teacher can't do it" and "what is evidence?"

 According to the national arrangement standards, the number of children in the licensed nursery school is up to 3 zero -year -olds, 6 for 1 and 2 -year -olds, 20 for 3 years, and 30 for 4 and 5 -year -olds.This is the minimum standard, and even if this is placed, if the nursery teacher is in a clear way to respond to parents and take care of a child who has become ill, the number of children who see other nursery teachers will increase.

 This woman has also seen 15 2 -year -olds for about an hour and a half.She was unable to turn, the children moved around, and the fight began."I was so strong that" I'm sitting here! "

 A woman (53) working at a licensed nursery school in Setagaya -ku, Tokyo is a park where a zero -year -old child goes for a walk, and nursery teachers in other gardens are tight and yelled at carts for walking.I see you.She instructed the children to play only in the sandbox, and when she tried to go out, she said, "If you don't listen, go home."

 保育士が明かす虐待の実態…なぜ余裕のない状況に? 国の配置基準にも問題が 1歳を暗いトイレに閉じ込め、口に握りこぶしで黙らせる 1人で2歳児15人を1時間半…「緊張感でつらかった」 カートに園児ぎゅうぎゅう詰め、公園で怒鳴り声 すくすくボイス ランキング 編集チームが選んだ

 "It's hard to take a lot of children for a walk with a few nursery teachers. You may be afraid to be injured and complain. In fact, all nursery teachers want to think about their child's growth first.I want you to increase the human resources so that you can do such childcare. "

Local governments are also actively aggressively information collection reporting.

 Local governments are also starting to collect information on inappropriate childcare such as abuse at childcare facilities.

 Chiba City has provided a dedicated mail form on the website four years ago, with an abuse by a childcare worker at a non -licensed childcare facility (here).Until then, there was a telephone consultation, but he said, "I wanted to lower the psychological hurdle of the report."

 A total of 15 information was received in about 4 years.Parents and colleagues who are worried about how to work on children and how to respond to children are noticeable.When the city receives a report, the facility checks the situation and provides patrol guidance.

 Utsunomiya City has opened a dedicated telephone two years ago, and the staff responds directly within the opening hours (here is the explanation of the city official website).The report is about a few years, but the person in charge says, "I guess it has led to the concerns of parents."

[Postscript on March 25, 2019] In response to many comments, we interviewed an active nursery school director.Sometimes you can work on the spot now to eliminate abuse and inappropriate childcare.Please see the following article."In response to the response> I asked many active directors to solve the solution to the" abuse of nursery teachers "(March 22)