The arrest over "Winny" is the light and shadow of Isamu Kaneko, a genius who has lost Japan, the tragedy of Isamu Kaneko, for the Japanese.

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He was arrested as an innovator in the Winny incident in the Winny incident, won the innocence after twists and turns, but quickly passed away.The regrettable life of Isamu Kaneko is a typical example of "the piles that come out are hit."

In order to convey the size of the social loss, as of 2018, people in various positions are exploring how to express.The most unique is Satoshi Furuhashi, who intends to make the incident a movie.

"The piles that come out are not hit. I'm seriously thinking that I want to be such a country."

Satoshi Furuhashi, CEO of Smart Camp."The P2P technology used in Winny has evolved and has been used in virtual currency technology, including bitcoin. If there is no case, there may have been more technology services from Japan.From such a thought, I participated in the Event "CAMPFIRE Film Festival" in the "Horiemon Expo" in February 2018, and was able to acquire the Grand Prix. By making the Winny incident a movie, JapanI would like to create an environment that can support the challenger by focusing on the world's proud technologies and people. "(Furuhashi)

Furuhashi is an active manager who leads the IT venture company "Smart Camp".He is a young follower, 18 years younger than Kaneko.He recruits funds by crowdfunding between work, working hard to gather staff and creating scriptwriting, creating an opportunity to meet Kaneko's acquaintance, and asking for his life.

Skeed Co., Ltd. reaches out to Furuhashi.The startup was founded by Kaneko and his friends in his life to improve and commercialize the part that became a problem in Winny.Masaya Akashi, the representative director, has a skillful experience as Kaneko's right arm.

Skeed CEO Masaya Akashi.He is one of the best knowing Kaneko's ability and personality on the day.

"I want many people to know Kaneko -san. He's a genius of ideas, and Winny is just one of his produced products, but that incident is a valuable seven years from him.Ta. I crushed the leading researchers at the forefront. "

For us, it was definitely a tragedy.

As soon as it was announced in 2002, the file -sharing software Winny1 (Winny Version1), which was exploded, achieved high "anonymity" in addition to excellent algorithms in data transfer.Therefore, there are frequent cases in which some users uploaded commercial data such as movies and music that some users illegally, and ultimately upload computer viruses to Winny and spread around the world.As a result, Kaneko, a developer of Winny1 (strictly developed Winny2), was allegedly alleged to assist the Copyright Act and was arrested and charged in 2004.

It is excessive and unreasonable to say that the programmer who created the tool, not the person who abused the tool, was "malicious".In the first place, Winny itself can share legal files.Now, every time a videos that violate the copyright are uploaded to YouTube, it is like a YouTube manager is imprisoned.

At present, if illegal data is uploaded to videos and music services, it is common for the operator to delete the operator.However, Winny at that time did not have a function to delete the files in question.Kaneko was thinking of how to add the function to Winny, but as a result of being detained by the Kyoto Prefectural Police, the development would not be able to continue (later installed in Skeed products that took over Winny).

The new technology that can change the world is created by an unknown challenge spirit.But you don't know who it is used and what is the challenge without asking the world.In essence, research is "to be protected", and technology is "something that should continue to be improved."However, the police at the time lacked such depth.

I can't understand, so I'm sparse.Furuhashi is angry that it is the worst.

"Is that so? It could lead to the result of a withered innovator trying to create an aggressive product like Winny."

Akashi, who was Kaneko's ally, missed his warm personality.He is not derived by private interests and does not move every time.A man who was careless about others, did not care much about the details, and was enthusiastic about programming like a child.

"I was looking for the cost of the trial with volunteers, but 16 million yen gathered in three weeks. It's a crowdfunding that has been a now. It's evidence that everyone was loved by everyone."

Kaneko, who was convicted in the district court and was sentenced to 1.5 million yen, decided to appeal.It was also a "like" decision.

「Winny」を巡る逮捕は日本人にとって悲劇 金子勇氏の光と影 日本が失った天才、金子勇の光と影

"Kaneko himself hated the struggle. I thought I could accept the fine, but I was sure the people who followed later were in trouble. I decided to fight."

In 2011, Kaneko's acquittal was finally confirmed.However, in the summer of 2013, Kaneko's life was closed without a hesitation.It was only six months after returning to a job as a special instructor at the University of Tokyo.

Akashi points out that crushing one talent is more sinful than crushing one technology itself.

"I made that Winny in just one month. The way I made it was amazing. Using the 2channel bulletin board, I published prototypes, recruited opinions from strangers, and improved it now.Kaneko did the IT consumerization (consumer -led type IT) before Google. "

There is something surprising to its foresight.Around 2000, when a service provided by a single server to a large number of terminals was the mainstream, Kaneko worked on Winny based on "P2P (Pear Two Pier: Network by Terminal)".P2P──, which later created blockchain technology, which is the basis of cryptocurrency, is considered to be an foundation technology that supports the future IoT society.Kaneko is as if the future of the Internet has been seen until around 2020.

However, Japanese society could not take advantage of his qualities and continued to take negative for a long time.Furuhashi claims that the magnitude of the lost loss should be widely known.

"One million users used tools created by a single programmer. It was a ridiculous product after all."

Skeed will take over the will of such a genius.

SKEED Co., Ltd. (formerly Dream Boat) launched by volunteers with Kaneko during the dispute, using P2P type file sharing technology and high -speed data transfer technology based on its own protocol, and various products are thrown into the market.There is.

The latest network base technology is "Skeedoz".Skeed's IoT Evangelist Kakuichi Shibata is excited about the technology that demonstrates power in disaster countermeasures.Following the backup of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, a demonstration test in Tokushima Prefecture has begun.

Koichi Shibata, who is the chief researcher of IoT Division, at Skeed.

"In a town where the tsunami is assumed, the residents carry the Bluetooth tag, and about 40-50 relay devices to understand the position of the tag are installed in the town. Smartphone.If you put the app in, the residents can always grasp each other's whereabouts. "

The tag and relay system that operates based on Skeedoz forms a unique network without going through the Internet.Even if a disaster occurs and the communication carrier goes down, it will continue to work stably.

Furthermore, as an advantage of P2P, even if several units are broken, the system works as long as the remaining relayer works together and the battery power continues.Since each is equipped with GPS, even if it is washed away by the waves or falls off the cliff, it will determine the location of the residents who passed by while grasping the place and keeping it informed.

"Developed as an example of a combination of IoT and P2P. This relayer is easy to handle and does not require detailed settings. Even if you can charge it, it will move autonomously."

Moreover, the technology that Kaneko asks for the world through Winny has the originality of "hierarchical P2P".Shibata speaks that the value will be revealed.

"AI is equipped with AI on all terminals, each other is to play a role, and the whole is optimized while grasping each other's abilities and speed ... this is exactly the principle that Winny was moving.It's the same "

1/4住民が携帯する無線タグ。現在位置を知らせる機能と、警報信号を受信して赤く発光する機能を有している。 2/4町内に設置された数十台の中継器が、自律的に、最適化しながらP2Pネットワークを形成する様子。 3/4対策本部の監視画面。住民の避難状況が一目でわかる。スマホのアプリで、個人が家族の状況を確認することもできる。 4/4避難訓練で得られた行動データと津波のシミュレーションを重ね合わせ、避難計画を見直せることも大きなメリットだ。

Skeed leads P2P technology that emits Kaneko.Furuhashi exclaimed, knowing that the latest case was a disaster prevention system.

"It's amazing. I think it's a very important technology for Japan with a lot of disasters. The demonstration test has already begun. The technology of that time is like this ..."

Who was Kaneko Isamu?What is Winny, P2P?How did Kaneko solve the problem of cryptocurrency?or….

Followers continue to talk about the incident, evolve the technology, and continue to walk with him.By the hands of those who are trying to regain the lost seven years, they can see several lines in the darkness of Winny.Unfortunately, Japan lost Kaneko.However, the arrow that Kaneko fired has not yet stalled.Genius afterimage is still running for the future.

"Winny" movie project