The backend of the cloud is developing, with countless devices and various platforms.

As an example, in the United States, let's mention the so -called "smart light" called "Smart Bulb".PHILIPS's "Hue" has recently been low, but Amazon at the time of writing the manuscript..The price in COM is 49 in a pack.$ 96.On the other hand, it's not smart, just LED BULB is Amazon BASIC in 6 packs..$ 99 (both equivalent to 60W).


HUE 12 is the unit price per piece.3 for $ 49.Because it is $ 33, it looks like a smart light to add about 9 dollars.This price difference will be tolerated for only one or two, but in the United States, where Hatsuraku is wide and uses a lot of indirect lighting, the number inevitably increases.Even if it is not equivalent, it will be difficult to spread in earnest if the price does not decrease at best.

This is difficult to solve with just mass production effects.In short, the cost of the communication circuit and the LED control circuit to be installed must be lowered to less than $ 3.It is impossible to communicate with the cloud service on the front end side at this cost.

Therefore, for these places, cloud vendors provide lightweight platforms.All of them are packaged with a lightweight "RTOS (RealTime OS)", a cloud complex (strictly up to the cloud or home gateway), and a cloud service corresponding to it.Thing.Only Windows 10 IoT Core is the target of MPU (Micro Processing Unit).Please refer to here for the difference between MCU and MPU.

AmazonAmazon FreeRTOS + AWS IoT
Googlembed OS + Cloud IoT Core
MicrosoftWindows 10 IoT Core + Azure IoT

However, there are many other solutions in the industry.All of the main MCU vendors offer their own RTOS or one, and in addition, Expresslogic's "ThreadX", Micrium's "Micrium OS", "μITron", "Toppers", etc. in Japan.In terms of products and solutions, there are more than two or more.