The government announces strategic development measures in the information protection industry and promotes the next generation strategy

The Korean Science and Technology Information and Communication Department announced on February 10 the "Strategic Training Measures for Information Protection Industry (Note 1)".The average world information protection market is 9 per year by 2024.As 4 % of growth is expected, promoting the next generation strategy of the information protection industry through the development of new security markets (Note 2), such as artificial intelligence (AI) security, non -face -to -face security, and fusion security.Is the purpose.Fostering measures consist of the following four strategies.

Strategy 1: Creation of new markets in the information protection field to secure growth engines

(1) AI Security: Discovery and fostering 60 advanced security companies that develop security products and services using AI technology by 2025.

(2) Developing non -face -to -face services in the people's daily life, virtual spaces (metaverse) on the Internet, and unmanned stores, develop technologies for new services.

(3) Fusion security: Digital content, digital healthcare, smart factory, autonomous driving, and smart city have a fusion security base in Japan to integrate conventional technology and security.

Strategy 2: Fostering world -class information protection companies


Set tasks in fields with large technical gaps from global companies, and develop technologies and products to solve issues.

Strategy 3: Expansion of supply chains to strengthen the foundation of the information protection industry

In order to support hacking to the Internet (IoT) device, information protection authentication technology is adopted for thermal image cameras, door locks, drones, etc. to develop information and communication equipment security.

Strategy 4: Ensuring the competitiveness of next -generation information technology

R & D in the field of information protection is 92.8 billion won in 2022 (about 9016 million yen, 1 won = about 0.It will be expanded to 097 yen), developing security technology corresponding to quantum technology (6G), and developing encryption technology to ensure "zero -trust" security base technology from border -type defense.

(Note 1) In Article 2 of the Information Protection, Trade and Industry Law, defined as a "industry that develops, produces, or distributed products that apply technology for information protection and information protection technology, or provide services related to this."There is.

(Note 2) The information protection industries so far have focused on information security (information leakage on the network, prevention of damage] and physical security (disaster, prevention of crime), but in the future smart factories and in the future.The fusion of traditional industries and ICT (information and communication technology), such as smart cars, is accelerated, and the "fusion security" market is expected to grow.

(Masaaki Zaima)