The room warp to the Star Wars world!The report of the window -type display buyer is exciting (page 1/2)

 Atmoch Window 2, a window -type display that reflects the superb views of the world, is attracting attention after the buyer's report.The room seems to have warp to another world!


 "Atmoch Window 2" is a smart display that appeared in 2019.The scenery of the world where the 4K was shot was displayed with sound, creating a feeling of being in the place.There is a Disney version that reflects the world of live -action version of "Aladdin" and "Lion King", and a Star Wars version with Death Star and others in outer space, so you can fly in a different world.

部屋がスター・ウォーズの世界へワープ! 窓型ディスプレイ購入者のレポートがワクワク(1/2 ページ)

 It was Akira Kizuki (@kidukira) who praised this as "Doraemon's tool!"Although he wanted to know the launch of the Star Wars version, it was said that securing the installation location was at the neck.

 One day, the back was pushed by the report of other buyers and decided to purchase."It would be more fun to throw away all things and set up this nice window."

 In addition to the video, the speaker on the front emits, and the sense of sound is wonderful.It seems that the "sound of air" is transmitted even in the non -moving landscape, and the illusion is that the brain is in a large space.

 You have to introduce the timer that "falls asleep while looking at the fireplace and night view, wakes up in the morning of the birds and the scenery of a beautiful river in the morning" and advice such as "how to hide the charging cable".There are many information that I do not understand.Kizuki recommends, "I can't go on a trip (with a corona), and I think it's best to invest in that much. For all manga artists and work at home!"

 The report is widely spread, and many people have moved.ATMOPH Window 2 is on sale at the official store for 49280 yen to 82280 yen per sheet.


