To protect your child's health

In recent years, as is pointed out as one of the factors of learning to learn, physical strength, and reduced energy, for healthy growth of children, regular life, including "early sleeping breakfast".Habits are indispensable.

Here are some points that you want to be aware of a little from today to protect your child's health.


Point 1 Sleep soundly and get up firmly

Point 2 Breakfast should not be missed

Point 3 Movement is a habit

Point 1 Sleep soundly and get up firmly

Sleep has an important role not only to support body maintenance and growth, but also to establish learning knowledge and experience.It is indispensable for child growth to sleep well without staying up late.


REM Sleep and Non Rem Sleep

By the fourth month of birth, the rhythm of sleeping in the daytime is long, and the rhythm of sleeping little by little at night.Then, according to this rhythm, the hormones necessary for growth are secreted.

While sleeping, I repeat two sleeping sleep with different properties of REM sleep (shallow sleep) and non -REM sleep (deep sleep).A lot of growth hormone is secreted during non -REM sleep immediately after falling asleep, and memories are organized and settled during REM sleep.

Relationship between sleep and memory

While the brain is asleep, repeatedly regenerates the events and learning of the day, the necessary information is memorized and unnecessary information is erased.REM sleep is performed during REM sleep, but REM sleep appears after non -REM sleep, so when the sleep time becomes shorter, REM sleep is reduced, making it difficult to establish it.There may be a risk.

When you have a lack of sleep ...

Lack of sleep can cause you to sleep during the day, your brain and body do not work well, and you will not be able to concentrate on studying or exercising.Also, lack of sleep will adversely affect various situations in everyday life, so be sure to secure sleep time.

Impact of video games and smartphones

The time for children to use video games and smartphones in a day is increasing, but if you use a video game or smartphone late at night, you will be exposed to strong light at night, so you secrete melatonin that promotes sleep.It hinders.

Put in the morning light

The internal clock gradually shifts in your life, but by exposed to the morning light, you can fix your body clock.Also, when the eyes feel the light of the morning, the substance called serotonin is secreted to awaken the brain and body and balance the mind.

Point 2 Breakfast should not be missed

The energy you have taken for dinner is used while you are sleeping, and no energy remains in the morning.For this reason, if you do not eat breakfast, you will have to work with a lack of energy, and you will not be able to concentrate on studying or exercising.

Regular life rhythm

Regular life rhythms for early sleep, early rising, and breakfast are the first steps to grow up healthy.Make a habit of eating breakfast by acquiring a regular life rhythm.In addition, the rhythm that I learned as a child is hard to collapse after growing, and is the basis of lifelong lifestyle.

Balance of nutrition is important

The nutrients classified into five proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals have their respective roles, and for growth and development, it is necessary to take all nutrients evenly.It's easy to think, "It's hard to eat a lot of foods," but you can get these nutrients efficiently just by being aware of the balance of three meals.Don't forget to brush your teeth after eating!

Point 3 Movement is a habit

Children have a time when the athletic function develops rapidly, and exercising according to this can efficiently improve their athletic ability.In addition, maintaining exercise habits you have acquired as a child can prevent future obesity.

Golden age with increasing athletic ability

The time when children's motor skills grow are called the "golden age", and they are divided into "Pregolden Age period / around 4 to 8 years old" and "Golden Age period / 9 to 12 years old".It is said that exercise habits make a difference in physical strength and exercise ability.As the growth has grown without experiencing this timing and experiencing sufficient exercise, more and more children are injured due to reasons that cannot be controlled well with their own body.

Necessary exercise

"Exercise" tends to imagine exercise in sports teams and club activities, but it is also one of the exercises to have a break time and after school.In many countries around the world, including Japan, it is recommended that you move your body for a total of 60 minutes a day.This is not a sustainable 60 minute, but a little bit, so let's exercise for 60 minutes in a day.