Journey / Gourmet / Health [Prescription of Hiroshi Ikushima Oyaji] With the correct prevention with Corona handwashing with "iodine waga" and adherent mask

The entertainment world, Hiroshi Ikushima (70), who is familiar with health, teaches how to live well for seniors. This time, Dr. Shuichi Nishimura, Director of the National Hospital Organization Sendai Medical Center and Virus Center, is familiar with each media, and will introduce the "New Corona misunderstanding of the new Corona" (Gentosha). 。 Hello everyone, I'm Hiroshi Ikushima. It is July. But like last year, it's summer! There is no atmosphere. The shadow of Corona is covering society as a whole. Today, I would like to think about such measures against such a new colon virus. Actually, I read a very interesting book recently. Dr. Shuichi Nishimura, who has appeared in newspapers and television related to Corona, is "a big misunderstanding of a new Corona that is no longer unbeatable." It's a little exciting title. I talked to Dr. Nishimura according to the contents of the book. Mr. Nishimura emphasizes, "The new colona is air -infected. The virus is not everywhere, so you don't have to worry about contact infections." Now everyone has alcohol disinfection of doorknobs, tables, handrails, etc. me too. However, "Even if the infected person is sneezing or sneezing and the virus comes out of the mouth, the amount is very small. There are fewer viruses in it. The probability of contacting the virus is quite low." 。 "If you do not plunge the tip of the finger that will have a virus, the mucous membrane at the back of the nostrils is OK." I started to wash my hands and wash my hands frequently, but I don't recommend it in a book. Dr. Nishimura says, "If you wash too much or rub with alcohol too much, your skin barrier function will be broken and you will not be able to defend from other bacteria." He says, "It's enough to wash with running water." What I recommend in the book is "gargle" rather than hand washing. Aerosol from the mouth of the infected person, flying, but in the summer, the humidity is high, so the water covering the virus does not evaporate easily. If the particles are large, they will stop before entering the nose and throat. At that stage, stop it. Governor Yoshimura of Osaka announced and became a hot topic, and there seemed to be criticism, but "isodine (iodine)" is the strongest. I think he was basically not wrong. " Instead of isodine, it seems good to drink a deep tea in your mouth, which also serves as hydration in the coming season. The tea catechin works. In the book, the headline is "the life line is material performance and adhesion", which points out the importance of the mask again. What Mr. Nishimura especially emphasizes is "adhesion." Recently, it is a mask that I wear without thinking too much, but it seems to be a big difference depending on whether there is a gap. Illustrations are the "How to increase the adhesion of the mask", which is also handled in books. Both strings are tied at the root to improve adhesion. Push the overlap of the end cloth inside and stop with tape. The trick is to use a one -size mask than usual. It's better to be tight, but if the back of your ears is painful, you should use a mask band that stops the string behind your head. Dr. Nishimura said, "If you feel that your place is close and poor ventilation, and there are quite a few people around you, check if there is a gap in the mask. It is also effective to cover it. " In fact, the book introduces the shocking experimental results. Regarding the material of the mask, Dr. Nishimura's experiment said that urethane masks were almost zero. When the aerosol was sucked in the lab, the non -woven cloth mask was almost comparable to a medical mask and blocked with a high probability from large particles to small particles. On the other hand, the urethane mask, which is popular among young people, is almost through. "I personally think that it is because of the urethane mask that there are many infections of young people. It is such a urethane mask, but there is a usage of wearing it on a non -woven cloth mask to improve adhesion." That's it. It's getting hot from now on. "If you are walking on the table, you can remove the mask. The mask will be heated. Heat stroke is more scary. There is basically no virus, and even if it is, it is washed away by the wind. The probability of sucking is as close as possible. Some people run with a mask and run, but it doesn't make sense just to be painful. " Anyway, Mr. Nishimura says that it is okay if there is an air flow. Therefore, the importance of ventilation in the room is emphasized. It is also listed in the book. I am thoroughly "nasal gargle" with physiological salt water. It's clean and comfortable. It is recommended. After all it absorbs a lot of air from the nose. I think the virus will come in. I want to wash it off neatly. Reading Nishimura's book, I came to think that Corona would not be afraid if I did correctly prevent infection. Conversely, if the correct prevention is not possible, the possibility of infection will increase even if you use a vaccine. It was a book with many learning to live with the virus. Hiroshi Ikushima (Ikushima Hiroshi) Born on December 24, 1950 (Showa 25), 70 years old from Miyagi Prefecture. After graduating from California State State Long Beach School Journalism, he joined TBS in 1976. He left the company in 1989 and established the Ikushima Planning Office. TBS Radio "Hiroshi Ikushima's Good morning set meal / straight line" (Monday -Friday 5.00) is a longevity program that has been around since 1998. From the friendship with the famous doctors who appear in the specialty corner "Tell me Doctor! Health Habits to Runes Diseases"


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旅・グルメ・健康 【生島ヒロシ オヤジの処方箋】正しい予防でwithコロナ 手洗いより「ヨード液うがい」と密着マスク