Trial reading The dream I had at dusk was the color of despair. "Digital reset" trial reading # 5

The 41st Seishi Yokomizo Mystery & Horror Award Winner "Digital Reset"

With the overwhelming support of bookstore staff, the beginning of "Digital Reset", which won the 41st Seishi Yokomizo Mystery & Horror Award , is specially released. Please enjoy the fear of a new serial killer who seeks the ideal environment, kills things that do not meet his standards, and starts the next life = repeating "reset"!

試し読み 夕暮れ時に見た夢は、絶望の色をしていた。『デジタルリセット』試し読み#5

"Digital reset" trial reading # 5

That day, Takayuki returned to the office shortly before 7 pm. He parked his business car in the front parking lot, tilted the reclining a little in the driver's seat, put his head in the headrest, closed his eyes, and left himself tired. He feels tired, probably because the salesman who had no experience at all is about to follow the board.On the backblueMukainothing He took out the customer visit checklist file from the business bag placed in the passenger seat in a bag and self-scored each check item. He recalls the four customer conversations he had made today. Smart explanations of real estate values, humorous responses that make customers laugh, expertise to answer customer questions instantly, and signing contracts. It was a satisfying day. His self-scoring result is also almost perfect.After swimming in the narcissistic lake for a while, when I opened my eyes slightly, in the afterglow dyed in sepia, the front sidewalk was in the middle of a boy about 5 years old, and three parents and children had their hands.tuna I'm walking. His father holds a dog leash in his other hand, and beyond that, a pure white Maltese dog leads the choco choco and the parent and child. It's too late to walk the dog, so maybe the family will go out for dinner. Various large restaurants are open in this area so as to surround the industrial zone. There is also a garden restaurant where pets are allowed. The boy spreads his hands in the shape of a "Y" and his parents are holding them firmly.Boy on the groundKickhair Then his parents pulled the boy from both sides of him and let him swim in the air.Takayukieyelidseyelid As I followed the passing parent and child through the gaps and listened to the laughter of the three and the barking of the dog, the surrounding scenes gradually turned into the same light brown color. The father and mother, the boy between them, the dog at their feet, the trees and the sky on the sidewalk became particles of the same quality and burned onto a piece of photographic paper and became immobile. The old photo is framed and displayed upright on an easel. Takayuki tried to pick it up, but there was a barricade tape at his waist height and he couldn't go any further. Reach out as hard as you can. It is a ten-centimeter square forehead. You can lift it by pinching it with your fingers. After that, one centimeter. It doesn't arrive.My fingers are about to hang, but thatSlightWow I just can't reach the distance. ──Isn't it just a centimeter? However, that one centimeter was the boundary between happiness and despair for Takayuki, and it was a space that would never be filled. Though desperateHollowMuna A dry sound was heard behind Takayuki's right ear, which kept reaching out for him. After a while, the sound became a little stronger.Takayuki believed that if he got the picture in front of him, he would be happy, and his desperately stretched hands were in the air.mosquito I am. This time it was stronger and there was a banging noise. The vibration cracked the sight behind his eyelids and shattered. When I returned to myself and looked at the window on the driver's side, someone was standing outside.I can't see my face through the window, but it's tightSevenShichiMinutesBusleeveSleeveWearing a white blouse, a thin chain necklace on the wide open chestPeepNozomi I am. Who?When Takayuki tried to check his face, the womanSuccumbingKaga He did.Of employeesPositiveMasawoodtreeYuhot waterIncensemosquito Is.somethingSpeakingShiyabe However, it cannot be heard in a closed car. Takayuki got out of the car with a passenger seat business bag and jacket in his hand. The area was dark due to the sepia afterglow, but the parking lot was bright with two outdoor lights.The night breeze sheds Takayuki's brownish straight hair and makes her face slightly sweaty.StrokeNana When I got out, I felt chilly. He seems to have slept in the car for nearly thirty minutes. "Welcome back. You look very tired." Yuka smiled and tilted her head to the side. Bob-cut hair sways in the tilted direction,FineLend There was a scent of kana perfume. "I was writing a daily business report in my dreams while I was out of control." I couldn't give a nice reply because I woke up. "Utouto? Bomb sleep, Bomb sleep. I knew that Taka-san had returned to work because of the engine noise, but it never came down." Yuka stayed in the car with the engine turned off for a long time.TomeSteller sea lion She was worried about Takayuki Maru and came to see what was going on. Takayuki hung his suit jacket on his right shoulder and walked toward the front door with a business bag on his left hand. The sound of Yuka's pumps that comes later can be heard steadily. Yuka was a public relations officer and a subordinate of Yoko who died. Originally a web designer for an advertising agency, she was invited by Muraoka to move to Grace Real Estate at about the same time as Takayuki. She currently belongs to the Nishinomiya Sales Office, but she often comes to the headquarters at meetings. Takayuki turned to Yuka behind her and listened to her. "By the way, what was the matter for the head office today?" "Public relations planning meeting. Meeting with the managers of each sales office. Data for the site of the new rental propertyReceivedGet Or, the main focus is on the preparation of advertising content. The event is registered in the business calendar made by Taka-san. "" I'm sorry. I overlooked. "I heard Yuka's laughter from behind her. It's a bulleted answer that seems to be Yuka's courageous personality. At the public relations planning meeting, each sales office manager and public relations staff gather at the head office to hold meetings regarding online advertising. Yuka attends every time because she is in charge of the company-wide web-based public relations. It sounds good to say a meeting, but the point is a battle to capture resources such as the limited space on the net and the number of photos. It is Yuka who divides it. Yuka, who is about five years younger than Takayuki, seems to be too young for her business partner, but she has no problem at all. Both Muraoka and Takayuki think that they are suitable and leave it to them. When he changed jobs, Takayuki was spoken in honorifics by Yuka and felt a ceremonial concern for her superiors. "Mr. Yuka, now that she's in the same job change, shouldn't she be a honorific?" He simply answered, "That's right," in her friend's words.Takayuki still remembers that exchangeFunnyHill It will be. Takayuki opened his front door, held it with his body so that it wouldn't close, and waited for Yuka to enter.Yuka is kind to TakayukiagreementKota She hurriedly slipped in front of Takayuki as she did. Takayuki, who entered the air-conditioned company, sat down at his seat and immediately turned on his computer. As a result of systematization of the head office, the number of personnel has decreased and there are surplus seats. Yuka returned from her entrance to the large desk at the back, which she used when she came to the headquarters.Yuka is in charge of the site design from rough sketches to production and reviews to each sales office, so overtime hours are in charge at this time.Bulkumbrella nothing. Yuka looked at Takayuki, bundling her organized material out of the materials spread over her desk. Takayuki's seat is by the window in the front row. His jacket is hung on the back of the chair next to him, and his wide back is slightly bent forward. He seems to be checking the emails he received while he was away. Yuka began organizing the rest of the meeting materials. Summarizing the requests of each sales office, "Have you finished receiving the data from the sales office?" When I looked up, Takayuki, who seemed to have reached a stage, turned his body to the side with his chair and looked at Yuka. "No, not yet. The image data of the rental property is large." Yuka is copying the data using another PC in parallel with her document creation. "Well, I have to rethink how to transfer data," she said, as she suddenly remembered after saying something like Takayuki, who is always thinking about improving operations. "On coastal streets and national highwaysthreeMr. Miss.ForkdifferenceRoadreactor Did you know that there is a new ethnic dining bar? "I don't know ... but ... it's an inconvenient place to go without a car." Yuka was funny inwardly. ──You should invite clearly. She has been invited by Takayuki several times to go out for dinner, but the process up to the line "Let's go out for a meal" is the same each time.Takayuki saysKingdomshellfishKumaI There are restaurants, bars and hotels along the coastal streets, and it is a course where couples go by taxi and stay as they are. It seems that Takayuki is careful not to invite him straight, but Yuka is somehow frustrated. "Then, I'll invite you who can't drink, and I'll stop by the head office on my way home." There is a young employee who can't drink at Yuka's sales office. Every time she had a dinner or a drinking party with her customer, she was taken on behalf of the driver, and on the way back she could finally return home after sending all her bosses home, but she complains every time. I accompany you like a mission without saying. After she said, Yuka had something on her chest, but she invited only Yuka, and she regretted that she gave a mean reply to Takayuki. She glanced at Takayuki's face, but Takayuki had an innocent look on her face. "You can't drink"KichiAlrightHousingSumi Are you? He will come too. How nice. Please contact me when the date is decided. "Takayuki also answered in a clerical manner while checking the email. ──I'm an adult. "I'll email you.Tosomething to eat withAheadtip Which is better, corporate or personal? "Hmm? Either way. By the way, are you still working today?" Takayuki's simple reply ended Yuka's solo sumo wrestling. "Well, it's going to take a long time.tomorrowtomorrow I'll come to the head office and work for the time being. "When Yuka returned by her business car, she was around nine o'clock. Takayuki, who remained alone, responded to emails from his customers and created performance materials for each sales office. After investigating the real estate prices in the neighboring area, the time was 11 o'clock ago. Takayuki pushed his hands above his head, and while sitting in his chair, he screamed, "Wow," and bent his upper body. It is full of fulfillment after completing today's quota.Lightly lookMeditationWhelk He turned his neck twice and he didn't move for a while. Eventually, he opened his eyes and stood up vigorously and began to prepare. He put his personal belongings in a commuting bag, checked the windows, doors, and in-house document cabinets for locking, and checked the source of the fire. The end of the long corridor is the entrance to the warehouse in the back. The sound of Takayuki walking on the hard floor of the corridor with leather shoes echoes in the building. He opened the door at the end. The inside of the warehouse is pitch black, but you can hear a humming noise from the freezing room near the doorway to the outside. Takayuki had been listening to the vibrating sound of the freezing room echoing in the dark for a while. That night, there was a strange noise coming from the freezing room of the "Grace Real Estate" headquarters building, which became less popular. The sound of hard objects rubbing against each other continued regularly until midnight, with a swoosh, swoosh, and so on at intervals of two to three seconds.

(Please enjoy the continuation in this book)

Work introduction / synopsis

Digital Reset Author Akira Akitsu Price: 792 yen (720 yen + tax) Release date: December 21, 2021 41st Yokomizo Seishi Mystery & Horror Award Winner! Forgive up to 5 times. Next is an immediate reset. The man seeking the ideal environment was repeatedly "reset" to start a new life in another land, killing humans and animals that did not meet his standards. Meanwhile, freelance programmer Joji Aikawa notices the disappearance of a single mother's sister and child. I follow the whereabouts of a man who should have lived with his sister ... A serial killer that sounds a warning to the digital society is born! The 41st Seishi Yokomizo Mystery & Horror Award winning work.Details: Click here for the amazon page