What is a relay attack?Crime tricks and theft measures aiming for a smart key car | If used cars [Gunet]

Disaster countermeasures / disaster prevention goods [2019.02.28 up]

What is a relay attack?スマートキーの車を狙う犯行手口・盗難対策



A smart key that is used for many cars currently on sale.It is a very convenient system that you can unlock just by touching the button or sensor of the car while locked in your pocket or bag, and just press the push button to start the engine.The stolen car "Relay Attack" is frequently occurring.In this article, we will thoroughly explain the theft method and specific measures.

Be careful with cars that use smart keys!What is a relay attack?

A car that uses a smart key is the stolen "relay attack", which is the stolen. What kind of crime is it?Here are the mechanisms and methods.

Smart key mechanism

The smart keys currently used in many cars currently on sale are locked just by approaching the car doorknob if you have a key in a familiar place such as pockets and bags, and the lock is unlocked. It is a system where the engine starts by entering and pressing the engine button. The smart key and the vehicle body have a transmitter that detect both radio waves, and each key is recognized by identifying the unique radio waves. From the smart key, there is always a weak radio wave, and when the keys and cars approach within a radius of 1 m, the transmitter can start identification of the radio waves, and it is possible to instantly follow instructions such as unlocking or locking. increase. In addition, smart keys are linked to security systems, commonly called immobilizers, so they have a very advanced anti -theft function.

What is a relay attack?

Although it is a smart key system that has been said to be very convenient and highly crucial, the relay attack is the one that takes advantage of the mechanism.As mentioned above, a weak radio wave is always emitted from the smart key, but in the relay attack, a special receiver was used to pick up the radio waves, and the receiver is further transmitted to the car to the car.The car misunderstands that the instructions have come from the smart key and unlocks the lock.Naturally, it is possible to start the engine using the radio wave.

Relay attack method

1.One of the crime group approaches the driver with a smart key 2.Receive the Smart key weak radio wave with a special device 3.Amplify the received radio waves and send it to your friends 4.Close to the car with a receiver receiving amplified radio waves 5.Locking car 6.Engine start 7.The relay attack has been confirmed in advance overseas, but the accurate number of damage in Japan is still unknown.However, damage has recently been confirmed in Osaka and Ibaraki prefectures, and it is expected that damage will continue to increase in the future.After theft, it seems that the current situation is exported overseas in various ways, such as moving a car to a safe place and moving with another smart key, being dismantled and sold.

The stolen is blocked by blocking radio waves.Relay attack measures that you can do yourself

The relay attack is a stolen method using weak radio waves emitted from smart keys, so the only way to prevent theft is to block radio waves.

What is a relay attack?スマートキーの車を狙う犯行手口・盗難対策 | 中古車なら【グーネット】

Put it in a radio blocking case

The easiest way to prevent relay attack is to put a smart key in a case where radio waves can be blocked.If you are at home, you can fully respond to empty cans of sweets.If you usually have a smart key at the entrance, make a habit of storing a smart key in a can when you return home.In addition, many radio blocking pouches and smart key cases are convenient for going out.There is a hassle to take a convenient smart key from a porch or case every time, but it is the most effective measures against relay attacks.

Turn off weak radio waves

実はスマートキーにはTurn off weak radio waves設定があり、ディーラーでセットが可能です。ただし、微弱電波が常時オフになってしまうため、エンジンを始動させる時にはスマートキーをプッシュボタンに近づけるなどの手間がかかる上、スマートキーのメリットがなくなってしまうのが難点です。一方、レクサスやトヨタ車であれば自身で微弱電波の設定が可能。スマートキーのドアロックボタンを押しながら開錠ボタンを2回押すことで、ランプが4回点滅し、微弱電波が飛ばない「節電モード」となります。再度スマートキーを使用する際にはいずれかのボタンを押すことで節電モードが解除されます。該当する自動車に乗っているという方には、最も手軽なリレーアタック対策と言えるでしょう。

Install an anti -theft device

In response to the rampant of relay attacks, some specialized manufacturers have sold a stolen anti -anti -anti -anti -anti -mode.In any case, even if you can unlock, the start of the engine requires operation with a dedicated remote control or instructions from a smartphone, so you can prevent the stolen vehicle even if radio waves are received.There are not many types now, but it is expected that the number of companies and companies will increase in the future.

Attach the handle lock

The merit of a relay attack is that cars can be stolen in a short time.Handlock locks are not items that directly prevent relay attacks, but cars that are clearly taking security measures will take time to be stolen, so it will be difficult to be targeted.If you use it together with other methods, it will be a very effective security measure.

We explained the mechanism of the "relay attack" of a new car that took advantage of the convenience of a smart key and its countermeasures."Relay attack" has been said to be very large in Europe so far, but recently crimes have been confirmed in Japan.Let's take measures as soon as possible for the theft of cars, which is expected to increase in the future.

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Since the launch of a used car information magazine in 1977, it is a professional group of used cars that have been producing various articles related to used cars, the latest news, and test drive Impressions for popular cars.Gunet has a wide range of recommended information on purchasing used cars from mini cars to luxury imported cars, so we hope to solve the anxiety about how to select and purchase used cars with many years of achievements and knowledge.I am.

In addition, we will translate and deliver press announcements of manufacturers such as Toyota and other overseas manufacturers as the latest information.We will support your comfortable car life by making use of the abundant used car information, knowledge of used car purchases, and knowledge of the car itself cultivated by the magazine.


Since the launch of a used car information magazine in 1977, it is a professional group of used cars that have been producing various articles related to used cars, the latest news, and test drive Impressions for popular cars.Gunet has a wide range of recommended information on purchasing used cars from mini cars to luxury imported cars, so we hope to solve the anxiety about how to select and purchase used cars with many years of achievements and knowledge.I am.

In addition, we will translate and deliver press announcements of manufacturers such as Toyota and other overseas manufacturers as the latest information.We will support your comfortable car life by making use of the abundant used car information, knowledge of used car purchases, and knowledge of the car itself cultivated by the magazine.




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