What is an engine starter? From the advantages and disadvantages to how to install and notes! | Full of information on vehicle inspections and repairs Goonet Pit

Car accessories and aftermarket parts information [2022.02.28 UP]

What is an engine starter? From the advantages and disadvantages to how to install and notes!


An engine starter is a great way to start your car remotely. You can adjust the condition of the engine and the environment inside the car without getting in the car, so you can enjoy a smooth and comfortable drive.

However, there are many types of engine starters, so many people may be confused about the manufacturer and function.

Here, based on the overview of the engine starter and the advantages and disadvantages, we will explain the points when choosing and how to install it.

Contents of this article

What is an engine starter? It can be easily operated with a single touch, just like turning on/off a TV or switching channels with a remote control.

In addition, the function of the engine starter is not limited to "starting and stopping the engine". Depending on the product, it often has other useful functions such as "door lock operation" and "in-vehicle temperature sensor", so it can be used for a wide range of purposes.

Using the engine starter is very simple and does not require any difficult operations. All you have to do is point the remote control at the car and press the engine start or engine stop button while paying attention to the range of radio waves.

The range of radio waves varies depending on the product, but some types can be operated from a distance of several hundred meters. In order to check the range of radio waves, let's check whether the product has an "answer back function".

The answerback function notifies you with a buzzer or LED that the engine has started or stopped successfully. There are two types of engine starters: a "unidirectional type" that emits radio waves only from the remote control side, and a "bidirectional type" that also returns radio waves from the car side, but only the latter has an answerback function.

If there is no answerback function, there will be cases where the engine does not start even though you should have pressed the button within the radio wave range.

Based on what I have explained so far, I briefly summarized how to use Nissan's engine starter as an example.

When using Nissan's engine starter, it is necessary to meet the following conditions in addition to being within the range of radio waves.

・Vehicle key is not inserted・Intelligent key is not inserted・Ignition knob is not pressed・Select bar is in “P” position・Doors and hoods are closed

If there is no problem with the above, press the function switch "F". Then the LED lamp flashes for about 3 seconds, so press the start switch during that time to complete.

Advantages and disadvantages of the engine starter

I will explain in detail what kind of advantages and disadvantages occur by using the engine starter.

Because the engine is more likely to break down if it is not fully warmed up, I think many people warm it up before driving, especially in cold weather.

However, the act of leaving the house, starting the engine of the car, and returning to the house is quite troublesome. Especially when there is a distance from the house to the parking lot where the car is parked, of course it takes time to move, so it can be said that it is difficult to warm up.

If you have an engine starter in such a case, you can start the car engine at home, so you can warm up smoothly. As a result, the burden on the engine is reduced, so the car will last longer.

In the cold and hot season, the chances of using the air conditioner in the car increase. However, even if you turn on the air conditioner, it takes some time for the temperature inside the car to change, so it doesn't mean that you will feel comfortable immediately.

By using the engine starter, you can start the engine before you even get into the car, and you can also turn on the air conditioner and adjust the temperature inside the car from the outside. In other words, you can get in after preparing the interior environment in advance, so you can start driving comfortably.

Especially on a hot day in the middle of summer, the temperature inside the car can rise to 70 degrees or more, so getting in as it is can have a negative impact on your health. An engine starter is useful not only for comfort but also for safety.

Because of the nature of being able to start the engine remotely, using the engine starter will increase idling time, which will increase gasoline consumption accordingly. Turning on the A/C consumes even more, which can lead to higher gas bills.

Incorrect use of the engine starter can also cause the engine to malfunction. Pay close attention to avoid accidents due to malfunction.

How to choose an engine starter

How to choose an engine starter depends on the user's needs, but the criteria are listed below as reference information. If you are wondering which engine starter to use, please check it out.

What is an engine starter? Pros and cons Goonet Pit full of information on vehicle inspections and repairs

Because engine starters are compatible with different models, the most important thing is to choose the one that is compatible with your car. On top of that, if you know the difference between genuine products and non-genuine products, it will be easier to choose a satisfactory product.

Genuine products generally have excellent quality and compatibility, and they also come with a manufacturer's guarantee of operation, but they are more expensive. On the other hand, aftermarket products have high cost performance and a wide product lineup, but they tend to cause more problems than genuine products.

Both have advantages and disadvantages, so choose the product that suits you based on your needs and budget.

Depending on the engine starter, the following optional functions are installed.

If you have an engine starter that can be remotely operated in conjunction with your smartphone, you can start and stop the engine with just your smartphone without having to search for the remote control.

To know if your car is running, you need to look. However, a bi-directional engine starter with an answerback function would be even more convenient as it would let you know on the remote control whether the engine was started or not.

Some engine starters can check the temperature inside the car. You can wait at home until the inside of your car reaches a comfortable temperature, which is especially useful in the middle of winter and summer.

If you have an engine starter that supports door lock operation, you will be able to open, close and lock the door even when you are away from the car.

Precautions when using the engine starter

Engine starters are useful items, but they can lead to irreversible problems if not used properly.

We have summarized the points to be especially careful about, so please check them as well.

When using the engine starter, it is a prerequisite that the shift lever of the car is in "Park" and the parking brake is properly applied. Of course, the key must also be removed.

If the above measures are not taken, the car may start on its own when the engine is started with the engine starter, even when no one is present. Avoid using an engine starter, especially if your car is parked on a slope, as it is likely to roll over.

Also, do not use the engine starter when there are people or pets in the vehicle, or when the vehicle is parked on a public road or in an indoor parking lot. Personal injury, property damage, fire, etc. may occur. Especially if you use it on a public road, you may be questioned as a violation of the Road Traffic Law.

In addition, it is necessary to take precautions in advance so that the engine starter does not malfunction during inspection and maintenance.

Recent engine starters have excellent design, so they are easy to attract children's attention. As a result of a child's mistaken operation, there is a good chance that a serious accident will occur.

Also, it is important to keep the lithium battery out of the reach of children, as they may accidentally swallow it or get injured by the antenna.

Wetting the remote controller with water or dropping it on the ground can also cause it to malfunction, so be careful when handling it. If you feel that the operation is strange, stop using it and contact the support center.

Can an engine starter be retrofitted? What is the price?

You cannot use the engine starter with just the remote control, so advance preparation is required. Here, we will explain the installation know-how and price of the engine starter.

If you want to use an engine starter, you must first install a radio receiver or something similar in your car. The basic flow is to purchase a product that is compatible with your car and then retrofit each device.

Installation of the engine starter can be done by an individual. However, since it is necessary to connect various wiring such as harness connection and ground wire connection, those who are not familiar with car maintenance may feel uneasy.

If you are not confident, do not overdo it and ask a professional contractor. It is also possible to request the installation of the engine starter to a store or dealer. Of course, the installation fee is necessary, but I think that it can be installed with confidence.

Actually, there are many things that are difficult to understand without consulting a professional, such as compatibility or non-compliance of vehicle harnesses and engine starters. From the point of view of preventing installation mistakes and malfunctions, it is safer and more reliable to leave the installation of the engine starter to a contractor.

In addition, if you install it yourself, you may not be able to receive the warranty, so even if you consider that point, we recommend that you ask a contractor.

If you're looking for a professional contractor, go to Goonet Pit. You can search by specifying the area and request content, so you will surely find the perfect supplier.

Comparing and searching for vendors

The price of the engine starter varies depending on the product, but the general market price is about 50,000 to 70,000 yen for a genuine manufacturer's product, and about 20,000 to 40,000 yen for an aftermarket product. If it is an external product with the minimum necessary functions, it may be possible to purchase it for about 10,000 yen.

On the other hand, the market price for engine starter installation is around 5,000 yen to 10,000 yen. Again, the price varies from company to company, so be sure to ask for quotes from multiple companies.


The engine starter allows you to start the engine and control the temperature inside the car even when you are away from it. It's a very useful item, but on the other hand, there are risks such as unmanned departure due to malfunction, so be sure to use it in the correct way.

In addition, engine starters have different functions depending on the product, so it is important to choose one that suits your needs. Let's choose a product that will make your car life comfortable while considering the price and installation fee.

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