What is IoT | Internet of Things: Explains the meaning, mechanism, and utilization examples of the Internet of things


What is IoT?

IoT(アイオーティー)は、Internet of Things(インターネット オブ シングス)の略で、「様々な物がイン ターネットにつながること」「インターネットにつながる様々な物」を指しています。 IoTは、日本語で「モノのインターネット」と訳され、PCに限らず様々なモノがインターネットにつながります。(総務省 ICTスキル総合習得教材より抜粋)

IoT refers to "various things are connected to the Internet", but before the IoT appeared, servers, personal computers, mobile phones, etc. were connected to the Internet.However, IoT is the word created when TVs, speakers, air conditioners, clocks, etc., which were unrelated to the Internet, are connected to the Internet.And the major features of these IoTs are that they can connect to the Internet without the help of people.The connection of "things" to the Internet allows data such as digitized images, music, audio, photos, and character information through the Internet, creating new value and services in the world.

IoT mechanism

IoT is established through three processes.


・ The collected data is accumulated in the server trage on the cloud as a big data, not a data dedicated to the person wearing the IoT product.

・ Big data that has been analyzed and collected by AI is analyzed by AI and digitizes the necessary information.Finally, we will provide new services by sharing digitized information with things.

ビッグデータ(Big Data)とは|定義・活用・AIとの関係・普及した理由まで

What IoT can do

What IoT can do is mainly divided into four categories: monitoring, prevention / predictive maintenance, data linkage, and remote control.

・モニタリングIoTは、離れた場所にあるモノの環境(温度、湿度、気圧、照度、騒音)や、モノの動き (衝撃、振動、傾斜、移動)、モノの位置 (存在場所、通貨検知など) などの情報を収集し、モニタリングします。

・ Prevention and predictive conservation IoT analyzes and processes various data collected from devices in a remote place, grasping operation results and monitoring abnormalities.

・ Data linkage/mobile linkage IoT coordinates mobile devices such as smart devices.You can also link the collected data with the outside and use it.

-The remote control IoT uses a mobile device such as a smart device to improve the maintenance of equipment from remote areas.

IoT products are basically derived from these four technologies, served, and can be recognized as reaching users.

Why IoT gets attention

The spread of IoT is attracting attention because it gives us users and companies in each field.The merits of IoT are roughly divided into two.


Merit 2IOT contributes to corporate cost reduction and efficiency, creating new value in business

In recent years, IoT has become one of the most important technologies in the 21st century.Currently, everyday things can be connected to the Internet through built -in devices.This allows communication between "people" and "things" to be possible.IoT home appliances and smart houses that have already been put into practical use are accepted as a useful product for users and enrich our lives.

What is IoT?|Internet of Things:モノのインターネットの意味・仕組み・活用事例を解説

For example, network cameras and door lock systems that can be remotely controlled by smartphones from the go are now incorporated into many houses.The air conditioner that automatically adjusts the optimal temperature according to the changes in the residents, the rhythm of the residents, and the changes in the season and outside air are also widely used.

In the future, as the generalization of 5G (5th -generation mobile communication system), "many simultaneous connections" and "ultra -high -speed and large capacity" will be realized, and the spread of IoT will accelerate.


As IoT spreads wider in the market, companies have begun to utilize the business value brought by IoT.In factories using IoT, the operating status can be visible by connecting production equipment with sensors to the network.By analyzing data obtained from production equipment and machinery and linking it with production management systems, we can now maintain an optimized production system.

In addition, the company that provides products has been able to accurately grasp consumer needs and optimize supply and demand by using the data incorporated into IoT.The IoT has achieved thorough cost reductions and efficiency.

In addition, if you can make good use of the big data obtained by IoT, you can expect new business value.IoT has begun to be used in industry, such as medical and agriculture, and it is not possible to wipe out a business model that far exceeds our imagination in the near future.

Technology that supports the practical use of IoT

photo by pixabayIoTの概念自体は古くから存在したものの、その実用化は近年の急速なテクノロジーの発展により実現しました。ここではIoTの実用化を支えるテクノロジーを4つ紹介します。


Cloud computing: By using the cloud, it is now possible to provide users to use IoT services to users via the Internet or other network.

・ Machine learning: It is now possible to analyze a wide variety of data stored in the cloud by machine learning.As a result, companies are able to collect consumer needs more quickly and easily, promoting new IoT services.

【保存版】機械学習とは | 意味や仕組み・勉強方法を徹底解説

・ Conversation -type artificial intelligence (AI): A new business value has been created by the introduction of natural language processing on the IoT device.Alexa, Cortana, Siri, etc. of digital mobile information terminals are affordable and are widely used in ordinary households.

人工知能・AIとは | 基本知識・歴史・未来自然言語処理(NLP)とは | 仕組み・活用例・今後の課題

Utilization cases of IoT seen by industry

IoT benefits a variety of industries.Here, we will look at examples of using IoT by industry.

photo by pixabay生体データの収集をするためのIoTデバイスで最近身近なのが、腕時計型・リストバンド型のウェアラブルデバイスです。中でも代表的なのがApple社の「Apple Watch」は活動量・血圧・脈拍・体温といったデータをスマートフォンに転送し、アプリ上で日ごろの健康状態を簡単に記録可能です。

In addition, data transfer to medical institutions is possible according to personal wishes, and we aim to use these data to use it for preventive medicine.In addition, the Apple Watch also has a fall detection function that will make an emergency call when the wearer falls, and it can be expected that functions will be installed according to the needs of users.

photo by pixabayトヨタ自動車はIoTをうまく活用することで、交通事故を減らそうという狙いがあります。これから販売されるトヨタ新型車には、障害物のない状況でも異常なアクセル操作時に加速を抑制する「急アクセル時加速抑制機能」が搭載される予定です。

This function is a connected car that is currently being riding (constantly connected to the Internet, acquires the latest road state, calculates the optimal route, or contacts the other place when a vehicle occurs.It is realized by utilizing the big data of the characteristic of the accelerator pedal that is obtained from the car equipped with).

The big data obtained from the IoT is to reduce the risk of traffic accidents by identifying the abnormal accelerator operation status and suppressing acceleration.

photo by pixabayアメリカのフロリダ州にあるテーマパークのウォルト・ディズニー・ワールド・リゾートはIoTを活用し、顧客満足度の向上を測っています。

Disney has developed a wristband -type wearable device called "Magic Band", can enter the Walt Disney World Resort just by holding the magic band, making it a room key to the Disney Resort Hotel.There are multiple places in the park, you can pay at restaurants and shops, and you need to enter the PIN code registered in advance at the time of payment.

By using a magic band, it is possible to provide high services and experiences to visitors, and Disney has the advantage of getting a huge amount of data.If the behavior of visitors in the theme park is known, it will be a valuable data that will be useful for improving facilities and services.

If the visitors are, where, how to use the attractions, and what they have purchased, they can make rational judgments based on the data and improve them.Disney has previously rely on the IoT to collect the necessary data and meet the needs of visitors, even if there have been many parts that have relyed on intuition and experience.

photo by pixabayIoTは、導入が比較的難しいとされていた農業の分野でも、農作者の負荷を削減し、生産の効率化を図っています。農作業工程で一番時間と労力を使う水管理工程を遠隔操作、自動制御化する、スマート水田サービス「paditch(パディッチ)」が今注目を集めています。

PADITCH is an IoT system that realizes the opening and closing of a water gate and a water tap with one smartphone button.Since the setting of the timer and the water level and the water temperature can be opened and closed automatically, the introduction of Paditch can reduce the effort of water management by 80%.

As of November 2020, it has been introduced at 490 locations nationwide, contributing to water management time, effort reduction, rice yield and quality improvement.In addition, it is not necessary to adjust the fluids and water taps by taking risks during heavy rains and high temperatures in summer, which has also led to prevent agricultural work.

Future of IoT

According to IHS Technology estimates, as of 2016, the number of IoT devices in the world was 17.3 billion, but it is expected to double in five years to 34.9 billion in 2021.As a result, data distribution, which is increasing due to the spread of IoT devices, is expected to accelerate further with the spread of 5G.

Japan must not be delayed by this trend.The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications simulates that the IoT / AI's economic growth is equivalent to about 270 trillion yen in Japan in 2030, which was converted to IoT.It is assumed that a real GDP will be pushed up by 132 trillion yen, and it is expected that the IoT will have a great impact on the economy.

Now that IoT is becoming more and more popular in our lives, the world's new town development, a smart city, is attracting attention.IoT is one of the technologies that occupies the core of smart city, and the Japanese government is aiming for Society 5.It is an indispensable technology to realize 0 (super -smart society).

スマートシティとは、IoTなどの先端技術を用いて、基礎インフラと生活インフラ・サービスを効率的に管理・運営し、環境に配慮しながら、人々の生活の質を高め、継続的な経済発展を目的とした新しい都市のことをいいます。スマートシティ(Smart City)とは|国内・海外事例から見る新しいまちづくりのあり方Society 5.0(ソサエティ5.0)とは、『サイバー空間(仮想空間)とフィジカル空間(現実空間)を高度に融合させたシステムにより、経済発展と社会的課題の解決を両立する、人間中心の社会(Society)』を意味します。Society 5.0とは|超スマート社会が解決する社会問題と創り出す新たな価値

The realization of a near -futuristic city where the whole city is connected to the Internet via IoT may not be so far away.IoT will continue to be a bridge that connects the real world and the digital world, which can be more convenient and rich in our lives.