What is the shock of Pink Floyd for the first time in Japan?"Hakone Aphrodite" The truth that witnesses talk

The Japanese proprietary project "Atomic Heart Mother (Hakone Aphrodite 50th Anniversary Edition)", which includes a new detection video of the Pink Floyd's first performance in Japan "Hakone Aphrodite", has been released.Even after half a century, why is this festival handed down as a legend?Yoshihiro Hoshina, who witnessed the historical stage, looked back.In the latter half of the article, we will also send a dialogue article with Daiji Okai (four musicians) who was shocked by Hakone's live.

[See photo] Japan's first outdoor festival "Hakone Aphrodite" valuable photo (17 points in total)

"Pink Floyd will come to Japan in Hakone Aphrodite!"The first thing I heard of the news was a phone call from a music friend in Tokyo.In 1971, when there was no Internet or mobile phone yet, information on Western music was relying only on music magazines or radio music programs.It was really big.

At that time, I was a second -year high school student, and I was obsessed with rock and was obsessed with rock bands, a British rock band I saw for the first time in April.Hakone Aphrodite was experienced at the Korakuen Stadium of the Thunderstorm, and just three weeks later.(In September, Red Zeppelin's first performance in Japan!)

"Pink Floyd Road" (owned by the writer) The first date and time of the jacket of the jacket of the jacket of the jacket of the same work, released as a commemorative board of Pink Floyd in Japan in 1971

However, for me, who is only 17 years old, Pink Floyd music was a little difficult or not easy to get close.Because, despite the influence of my 6th grade older brother, I grew up with the Beatles and other Western music, but the pop -rock music style has evolved significantly and diversifying, the diversified turbulent, the psychedelic era.Pink Floyd's music, which was called a progressive rock after that, felt different from the previous rock.The main rock / pop is the mainstream style of listening to a lighter beat and rhythm with a good vocal melody that is familiar to the ears.This is because there was a place where you wanted to be a classical musical way to enjoy the world view of the sound by entering deeply.It may be natural for teen rock boys, who were accustomed to singing and enjoying hits together with easy -to -understand hard rock and riding, and singing and enjoying hit singles together.

Of course, the "atomic mother" released in 1970 of the previous year is the British chart NO.1となり、キング・クリムゾンやエマーソン・レイク&パーマー等と共に、新時代を牽引する話題のプログレッシヴ・ロック・バンドとして各方面から注目を浴びる存在というのは知っていた。ただ熱心なロック・ファン以外には大ヒット曲があるわけでもない彼らの存在は、一般的にはまだマイナーで、共演した1910フルーツガム・カンパニーの方が知名度では上だったかもしれない。またもう一つの理由として、欧米ではヒッピー〜サイケ・カルチャーの中で彼らの音楽が支持されたのは、マリファナやLSDなどドラッグと親和性が高かったからで、ほぼそういったカルチャーとは無縁だった一般的な日本人には当初、彼らの魅力はなかなかストレートに理解されなかったのではないかと思う。

"50th Anniversary Edition" bonus, "Hakone Aphrodite" Flyer

Anyway, considering that the Hakone Afropite was held in 1971, which was the first outdoor rock festival in Japan and 26 years ago to Fuji Rock after that.There is no doubt that it was a historic event.Until then, I knew about outdoor festivals, and watched the movie "Woodstock" (held in 1969) released in Japan a year ago, and the 60's youth culture festival.For high school students who had only the knowledge of rock festivals that were too free, Hakone Aphrodite, which had many jazz and folk -related Japanese performers, is certainly different from the expected rock festival, but anyway.It was everything that I saw Pink Floyd.

A miracle live experience brought by nature

By the way, there was nothing lost from the beginning when I went to Hakone Aphrodite.As mentioned above, I was free and my heart and heart were frustrated, and I was looking forward to experiencing overseas rock bands.I can only thank the parents who supported me financially, but at that time, the rock band came to Japan about once every 1-2 months, so I think I could somehow follow.

For me, Pink Floyd's stage, which was the third overseas rock band experience, is wrapped in quiet excitement that opens a new perception door, all fresh and exciting, it.It was a special experience with a completely different quality.Above all, the outdoor venue in Hakone, the extraordinary nature of the venue, and when there is no Nagano Shinkansen yet, I went to Shinjuku from Nagano via Ueno on a night express, and then on a bus tour (I think it was about 10 or more).Going to Hakone was an exciting experience.

The "Hakone Aphrodite" ticket "50th Anniversary Edition" reprinted ticket

"Hakone Aphrodite" Full View Photo

As expected, it was half a century ago, so I remember that my memory was fragile and I couldn't remember the details, but I remember that I got into the venue with the insect bite kinkan distributed at the entrance.I knew later that the venue was about 60,000 tsubo on the shores of Lake Ashi, where the dormitory of Seikei Gakuen was located, but I clearly remember that the stage was on a gentle slope.ing.After entering, I headed for a place in front of the stage as close as possible to the stage, and was waiting for Pink Floyd to turn to the second stage on the valley side without going.

I remember seeing the 1910 fruit gum company and Bafi St. Merry on the main stage on August 6 (first day) I saw, but the Japanese artist who should have appeared is Mops.I rarely remember anything other than.Perhaps the translation may be a problem with my memory, but I think the pink floyd stage was too brilliant and erased the memory.Although the flyer at that time did not know which stage was on, Towae More, Kaguya Ozaki, Princess Kaguya, Happenings Four, Shigeru Narige & Tsuda Hiro, and Sadao Watanabe who appeared on the valley side.You can see the name of the most prominent jazz musicians, such as Yosuke Yamashita and Masaaki Kikuchi, but from that lineup, it may be a bit difficult to call Hakone Aphrodite a rock festival.。


"Atomic Mother (Hakone Aphrodite 1971)" Digest video

In any case, the Pink Floyd stage began with the "atomic mother" while the audience's expectations were growing with the sound blended into the natural environment, such as checking the PA before the beginning of the PA.Probably the start time was around 5:30 in the evening, but the moment the sun still remained, the sound of the transparent and the dignified sound was instantly replaced in the dignified sound.。What impressed me was that the audience, who had been listening to being stunned at first, had a loud cheer and applause from the whole venue as if the "atomic mother" for more than 20 minutes was over.There is no doubt that there was a sincere impression and surprise.

"Hakone Aphrodite" Mogi -covered venue

By the end of the first song, the sun began to shadow, and the wind began to become stronger, and the two songs from "Ugla" and "Watch out for the ax" and "Sun Hymn" from the venue.It was a song selection suitable for inviting a fantastic space.In addition, this time, the real fog, like a dry ice and smoke, gradually descends from the mountain and wraps the entire stage, and when you play the famous song "Echoes" that was still unpublished at the time, it was high.There was a moment when a stage seemed to float on the cloud temporarily.The sight is very real, and it is unforgettable even in many concert experiences that you can encounter a miracle that is not enough in the phenomenon of pink floyd music and natural weather phenomena.It is a special memory.

And when the last song "Mysterious" ended, I noticed that my body was trembling in too much cold, but it was the first outdoor festival on the plateau, but I was the first short -sleeved shirt.It is now a good memory that I regret going out with a piece.

"50th Anniversary Edition" excavated video and valuable materials

さて、その箱根アフロディーテから50周年を記念して今回リリースされる『原子心母(箱根アフロディーテ50周年記念盤)』は、何と言ってもその伝説のフェスで初来日したピンク・フロイドの、新発掘映像を追加したBlu-rayが話題だ。羽田空港到着時から記者会見、箱根のステージの模様も収録したドキュメンタリー映像は、過去にテレビ埼玉で放映されたものと内容は同じだが(※)、今回はそのオリジナルの16mmフィルムの発見を機に、長い年月をかけてフィルムの汚れやノイズを取り除き、最新技術で一コマずつデジタル化したことで別物と言っていいほど鮮明なカラー映像が甦ったのが注目される。まるで当時の記憶がモノクロからいきなりカラーになったような驚きをBlu-rayで味わえるはずだ。加えて機材の運搬やステージの設営風景をピンク・フロイドの機材スタッフ2人の仕事ぶりを中心に追った3分間の映像資料「Scott & Watts」も、今では貴重な当時の記録となっている。

* The sound source of the live video broadcast on TV Saitama in the past was replaced by another live sound source that is not from Aphrodite, but in the "50th Anniversary Edition", the actual Aphrodite performance is used.

Other benefits include a 60 -page booklet with unpublished photos, Aphrodite tickets and pamphlets, venue guide maps and posters for Osaka performances are included.Above all, the 60 -page photo book specializing in the Pink Floyd and Hakone venue is full of record photos that gave a glimpse of the difficulty of setting up the stage, focusing on the unusual snap photos of the members you see for the first time this time.Enjoy it as a document.

Another privilege is to access a digital booklet titled "Hakone Aphrodite 1971", and read a detailed record of the first music festival in Japan.This is the back story of Akinobu Kamebuchi, who was actually involved in Aphrodite, and the production staff of Nippon Broadcasting, Naoki Tachikawa and Masanori Ito, and the Osaka Festival Hall held only for one day after Hakone.It is full of interesting readings, such as the experiences of music officials who watched the concert, and the story of Hibino Sound, who was in charge of PA at the time.

Both lucky people who experienced Hakone Aphrodite this summer and those who are not, are said to be the first year of rock concerts in Japan while watching the image of the Nuclear Mother and the legendary festival at the 50th anniversary milestone.Why don't you think in 1971?

Dialogue over Hakone Aphrodite Daiji Okai x Yoshihiro Hoshina

The video of Hakone Aphrodite was first officially recorded on the EARLY YEARS1965-1972, a 27-disc set released by Pink Floyd in 2016 (this is the same quality as the one that was on the boot).The dialogue delivered from here was recorded at that time.Daiji Okai (four -man musicians), who actually experienced Pink Floyd in Hakone, and Yoshihiro Hoshina, who wrote the previous article, talked about the memories of the time.

* This dialogue is partially re -edited of the article published in the December 2016 issue of Record Collectors.

Hoshina: The 1971, when Hakone Aphrodite was, was the year of rock in Japan.A group of rock bands came to Japan in April, Chicago in June, Grand Funk Rail Road in July, Red Zeppelin in September.

Okai: I was expecting Kyodo Tokyo's "Rock Carnival" series in December 1970 and began to come to Japan one after another, but I was expecting Pink Floyd to Japan.I thought.It's not a band that has a lot of hit songs and everyone is familiar with.

Hoshina: I guess Hakone of Pink Floyd was the first outdoor festival in the rock.

Okai: Because Floyd's performance in Kanto was only Hakone.

Hoshina: Did you go by bus on the day?

Okai: I went on the Odakyu Line.With high school classmates.

Hoshina: I participated in a bus tour directly from Shinjuku.Daiji is a high school because he was a second year high school student.

Okai: Then, the following year, when I called a four -person music to Nagano, is it 3 years in high school?

Hoshina: Yes.I was impressed by the skill of seeing a four -person music I saw in Tokyo about six months after Aphrodite playing a perfect cover of Floyd.By the way, is it only Daiji who went to Hakone in a four -person music?

ピンク・フロイド初来日の衝撃とは? 「箱根アフロディーテ」目撃者が語る真相

Okai: Yes ( *).And this is a ridiculous band, so everyone must see it.The next day, he emphasizes that his brother and members who were the manager of the four -member musician immediately after returning to Tokyo should go to Osaka.On Monday, all members went to the festival hall on the Shinkansen (laughs).It's just right after becoming a four -man musician.So I returned by night train on the way home, but even if I was not interested in progressive things until I watched it, this music was commonly approved.At this time, the direction of the four -person music was decided.

* RSJ Edition: This is a misunderstanding, and in fact Hidemi Sakashita (Key) was also located with a friend.

In 1971 at the Osaka Festival Hall in Pink Floyd

The famous Japanese rock by the four -player music "Ichikoto" (1974)

Hoshina: In Japan, in January of the year when I came to Japan, "Atomic Mother" came out.

Okai: In Aphrodite, I play "Echoes" (included in the next work "Otai"), but at that time it was a new song that was unpublished.Now, when you think about it, you've been able to release an album every year (laughs).It's an era.At that time, the rotation was fast.

Hoshina: 45 years ago, what do you remember in Aphrodite?

Okai: That's bad for Japanese senior artists, but I was waiting for a good place for pink floyds to come out, so I only had a 1910 fruit gum company and Bafi St. Mary on the main stage. I do not remember.

Hoshina: I am the same (laughs).The Japanese band seemed to be on the substage, but never went.

Okai: The fruit gum company sounds that music is a TV talent.I love records.Bafi St. Mary was playing and speaking, and the quality was high.After all it feels different (laughs).

Hoshina: That's right."Circle game" was also a hit.Probably, Japanese artists are watching on the same stage, but it seems that other memories flew because the Floyd was so terrible (laughs).

1910 Fruit Gum Company's debut song "Simon Sess" (1968) has also been hit in Japan.

Bafi St. Merry "Circle Game" (Joni Mitchell cover) is the theme song of the 1970 movie "Ichigo Hakusho".In recent years, it has been used in Quentin Tarantino, One Odon A Time In Hollywood.

Aphrodite is "Miracle -like events"

Okai: Where did you watch Hakone?

Hoshina: Relatively before the front.It was like looking up at the stage on the top of the slope.

Okai: I guess I'm the same.I don't know if I listen to it now, but I didn't have any dissatisfaction with the volume and sound quality.It was just good.

Hoshina: The sound pressure was not amazing, but it feels like it is wrapped.

Okai: Now, the natural bass has never come, but I felt like there was a range that I had never heard of (laughs).

Hoshina: Do you remember the song you played?

Okai: I remember that the song was "Atom Heart Mother" (atomic mother).Pink Floyd suddenly appeared on the stage, just started tuning and got excited (laughs).From where we were, we could see the WEM's PA system that they brought in while playing the undercard.1910 Fruit Gum Company and Bafi St. Mary did it with a very bad sound prepared by the Japanese side.So, from that time, I spilled the bird's voice to check the PA, but it was natural and familiar in the outdoor mountains.I was so excited that a world that I didn't know would start.

* RSJ Edition: The acoustic equipment on the main stage of "Hakone Aphrodite" is a shure lent by Hibino Electric Sound Co., Ltd. (currently Hibino Co., Ltd.) in Japan, in addition to the WEM PA equipment brought in by Pink Floyd.Used with 40 tone ze -type speakers.This led to a major turning point in the development of stage sound in Japan.For more information, in an interview with Hiroaki Hibino (Chairman of Hibino Co., Ltd.), published by Digital Booklet, "50th Anniversary Edition".

Hoshina: When Floyd starts, I remember suddenly getting cold.The fog comes down from the mountain and it becomes a natural smoke.

Okai: Certainly it was chilly when I was in Floyd.That fog is so fantastic that it doesn't seem to be natural.I was playing there, but I got fog enough to blame up.It may be on the second day because this video (included in the "THE EARLY YEARS1965-1972") is not very fog.I guess it was broadcast because of the credit of TV Saitama.

Roger Waters and David Gilmore who appeared in "Hakone Aphrodite"

Hoshina: I remembered Nick Mason's recent interview that Aphrodite was a great memory, but I remembered a poster for Hakone Aphrodite in a London studio where I went to meet a friend in 1984.If you were surprised and asked why, it happened to be in Nick Mason's studio.There is a Hypnosis office on the same floor.

Okai: That's really that kind of relationship.After all, the stage in Hakone, which could look down on Lake Ashi, over the audience, would have been pleasant, and it would have been a satisfying performance.So the impression of Japan was good, so I came to Japan shortly six months later, and the reputation of Aphrodite would have increased Floyd's popularity and reputation in Japan at a stretch.

Hoshina: In that environment, it would have been the best for Floyd, and the audience would be drawn into the world.Just overwhelmed.

Okai: Because I got a world outside the imagination.There are times.In a sense, isn't it an avant -garde to do it, regardless of your performance?

Hoshina: In fact, whether the number of people gathered was also sold at the time.Maybe it didn't sell.

Okai: It's almost a topic ahead, what is rock music at that time?Because Stones didn't sell at that time (laughs).

Hoshina: So, nowadays, it was like a miracle that Aphrodite was held.

Okai: All of them were excitement.Various elements mesh.There were times and location, but it was pleasant.But the biggest impression is that I was stunned, it's a live performance of Pink Floyd for the first time in Japan (laughs).

Pink Floyd "Atomic Mother (Hakone Aphrodite 50th Anniversary Edition)"

Released on August 4, 2021

CD+BD 2 -disc set

6,600 yen (tax included) / 6,000 yen (excluding tax)

● Full production limited edition

● Japan's proprietary project

● 7 -inch paper jacket specification / 5 great privilege enclosed

Purchase: https: // sonymusicJapan.LNK.to/PF_GJBRS

Special site: https: // www.110107.Com/PINKFLOYD_AHM50TH