What is a "One Open" rental car business that can rest on Saturdays and Sundays ... IAAE 2022 Seminar

Value Toup CEO Masao Sakuma (IAAE 2022 seminar)

 土日が休める「ワンオペ」レンタカー事業とは...IAAE 2022セミナー

In the seminar for the International Auto After Market EXPO2022 (IAAE 2022), a seminar on a rental car business that allows you to turn alone using IT. The stage was Masao Sakuma, Representative Director of Value Toup, who operates "All -time rental car". The cause of the growth of car sharing is the catastrophe, but since then, the all -time rental car, which has been increasing, has 30 stations within a 10 -minute walk from Shibuya Station and Ebisu Station. 。 Rental car reservations, door lock, lock, payment, etc. are all completed by the application and smart key. It is a rental car service similar to the "e -share mobi" service provided by Nissan Motor. The smart key used by all -time rental cars is a product called "virtual key". The feature of the virtual key is that if you do not have a physical key, you can operate the key with the app if it supports general remote control keys. The modification to the vehicle is minimal and there is no need to change the vehicle inspection registration or remodel notification. Most of the vehicles of the year can be non -face -to -face rental cars and share cars. "The business starts in 2020. Initially, we had about 10 stations, about 10, but as of December 2021, the number of vehicles has increased to 30 units. Approximately 5,000 apps are installed. Approximately 3,000 members are about 3,000. Therefore, the registration rate exceeds 60 %. The monthly lending days are steadily rising steadily, and now 10 out of 30 units are rented out every day. It is a calculation that is (running). Mr. Sakuma alone is cleaning the non -operating car. There are no other employees or part -time jobs in the All -time rental car business. It is hard to believe in considering lending operations and troubles, but it is said that it will take a rest on Saturdays and Sundays. "The basic procedures are completed with the app and the smart key, and the smart key can lend and return unmanned. Inquiries and troubles are maintained in manuals and outsourced to the call center. I have a contract, and if you are a smart key compatible company, you will be able to enter and deliver the vehicle without being able to enter and deliver the vehicle. "On Monday, we generally contact the maintenance shop by processing and arranging vehicle accidents and troubles, and the lowest operation is on Wednesday. Mr. Sakuma is cleaning the vacant vehicle. The operation is the most in the weekend, but most of the operations are unmanned and outsourced, and Sakuma is the most resting on Saturdays and Sundays. All -time rental cars are characterized by the customer base. 85 % of members are in their 20s and 30s. Of these, 62 % are 62 % or more. Moreover, the situation in their 20s and 30s is teens (8 %). It is a business that suppresses young people who are giving up by many of the automotive industry. Mr. Sakuma did not think that it would be accepted by such young people, but it seems to be a service that matches the characteristics of Shibuya and Ebisu. According to the story, Sakuma doesn't seem to do much except for the vehicle cleaning, but he is focusing on securing the station and attracting customers. "It's hard to secure a station near the station. Also, since it will not be established unless you have it to be recognized and use it, it is important to attract customers. When I started listing advertisements on the web around March year, the number of members began to increase visually. "Apps and non -face -to -face services are accepted by young people, while there are concerns that are unique to the rental car business. Collection of the price, accidents and troubles. In this regard, troubles such as accidents and smart keys can be handled in the manual of the call center. We provide a series of advice on contact with police and insurance companies. About 80 % of the total is assumed. It is possible to respond with the processing. And this is the result, for example, about 95 % of people protect gasoline full returns. " In the case of the rental car business, information on license and emergency contacts will be provided, so it seems that no one is insane regardless of age. Of course, there are cases where malicious people and normal processing cannot be handled. Even in such a case, it seems that emergency contacts are often parents and families, and it is unlikely that they will not be able to collect repairs. Although there are rules for unsubscribing due to violations of the rules, the point is that they do "rules and lines in themselves, regardless of special cases."

Response Shinji Nakao