"Why ... I wanted to talk more." Nine memorial crew died at the crash site ... Disaster prevention helicopter accident 5 years

Five years after the disaster prevention helicopter accident in Nagano Prefecture, when nine people died, colleagues were holding the flowers at the crash site, which was covered with snow.

On March 5, 2017, a disaster prevention helicopter "Alps" in Nagano Prefecture crashed, and all nine riding people died.

5th, 5 years after the accident.

On the ridge of Mt. Hachibushi at the crash site, the crackfish, which seemed to have come into contact with a helicopter, stood in the same way as five years ago.The valley where the aircraft fell was wrapped in silence.

(Report) "It's a crash site in Mt.

The OB of the Fire and Disaster Prevention Air Corps, who visited the memorial service, says that regret is still raised.

Firefighting Disaster Prevention Air Corps OB: "I want you to sleep really peacefully."

 「何でだよ…もっと話したかった」 同僚らが墜落現場で慰霊 乗員9人死亡…防災ヘリ事故5年

Fireworks and Disaster Prevention Air Corps OB Kenji Nishizawa: "I wanted to talk to Koguchi -kun (who died) when I was more active and drew alcohol. What is it? (Not a production.) It's training. "

After the accident, the former colleagues were working on the "Oath Monument" set up by the prefecture one after another.

Air Corps OB (Suzaka City Fire Fire Headquarters) Katsuta Fujisawa: "I want people involved in the rescue of human life not to die in the accident. We will continue to work hard, so please watch over."

In a memorial monument near Matsumoto Airport ...

More than 50 survivors, firefighting, and local governments attended the prefecture's memorial ceremony.

Governor Morichi Abe, Nagano Prefecture: "I will strictly say that the prefecture will do my best to protect the lives of the citizens of the prefecture."

Captain Atsushi Mizusaki, Firefighting and Disaster Prevention Air Corps: "This sadness must not be repeated. We will continue activities that consider safety first without weathering."

Toshiro Takashima of Matsumoto City has lost his eldest son, Noriyoshi, who was also selected as the International Fire Rescue Corps.

Toshiro Takashima: "There was no day when I remembered my son for a day.I want you to be active while checking "

Activities to never waste nine precious lives will continue.