Relatulating with women's safety measures, or if it is safe or the London female teacher killing


Again in the United Kingdom, the safety of women in everyday life is gaining great interest.The reason for this is that the woman was killed in a "safe" situation.

Elementary school teacher Savina Nessa, 28, was heading for a pub to meet a friend on the night of the 17th.At 8:30 pm, she was supposed to pass through a park with many users and arrived in 5 minutes, but she did not appear in the pub.Nessa's body was found the next morning by a passerby.

"The city is safe for women. It should be a place where everyone can walk freely without fear," said the London Metropolitan Police Agency's Trevar Lowry Police in a press conference on the murder of Nessa.

After that, a community group printed and distributed information on the London Police Department website.The title was "How to secure safety in the city", and it was written that women should not wear headphones.He is also advised to be in a place with a lot of traffic, hide valuables, walk in bright places, and book a taxi when returning home.

In London, in March this year, a female office worker, Sara Evarad, who is returning home, was kidnapped, raped, and killed by a stranger.Evarad was following the numerous "rules" that women should protect.He walked on the main street at 9:00 pm and was wearing less exposed clothes.

And Evarad trusted police officers.Those who need help when they feel danger.In the case, the Incusive Police of the London Police Department was arrested and acknowledged the crime.

Nine months before the case, Viva Henry and Nicole Smallman were killed.The theory that "if you are not alone alone" did not apply to the two, but died many times with a knife in the park.Despite constantly contacting his partner and waiting for a taxi he had reserved, he couldn't stop killing the so -called "contract with the devil".

Two days later, the two bodies were found in the Yabu.

"Actions affect safety"

As Lowry's police say, women should walk freely without fear.Naturally, the problem is not the woman wearing the headphone, but by the man who killed the woman.And, of course, it's strange that women have to change their actions so that they are attacked, kidnapped, raped, or killed.

However, "It is impossible to be a woman and to pay attention to safety," he said, Representative Kelly Grenang, a Fifty Fifty Pallament, a super -party group of the British Congress, which promotes gender equality.Is pointing out.

"Women have been hitting when their actions affect their safety since they were young. It was said that they shouldn't go to the public toilet alone, and when they go to junior high school, they have a crime prevention bell for rape, and they are longing.If you look like an idol, you will be told "I want it" or "I have sexual charm". Even if my menstruation has not started.

The murder of Nessa, Evarado, and Henry and Small sisters implies that all women are in danger.

If Nessa meets friends in a different time, even if Evalard's return time is 10 minutes, even if Henry and Smallman are in another park, they are different.The woman may have ended in life.All women can be killed by following the "rules" to avoid danger.

Choose safety in exchange for freedom

The action of women and girls choosing safety in exchange for freedom is subject to academic research.

In Europe's largest survey over sexual harassment (sexual harassment), nearly half of 42,000 women who were targeted have restricted their freedom to move to avoid gender -based violence. answered.

Professor Liz Kelly, who is studying children and female abuse at the University of London Metropolitan, named a strategy developed by women to respond to everyday experience.It is said that these precautionary measures are usually incorporated into habits and "common sense" unconsciously.

And that's what we all are doing.In front of the entrance, make sure that the mobile phone is charged, hold the house key in a way that makes it a weapon in an emergency, and keep an eye on it so that someone does not come in from behind.Send a message to a friend who was with you, "I returned home safely" and wait for the same content to return.This is normal.This is a common way.This is part of being a woman.

女性の安全対策、従えば安全なのか ロンドン女性教師殺害で議論再燃

Safety measures provided by police and other organizations are constant for such safety work.Even if it is a detour, pass on a bright road with many people, riding a vehicle on a woman in the subway, and wearing flat shoes with heels when returning home (so that you can run and escape).

As Professor Kelly says, "Safety work has reduced women's time and energy. Being cautious is an opportunity to enjoy exercise and feel the season in public.That is limited. "

When Evallad disappeared, the London Metropolitan Police Agency, Cressida Dick, tried to reassure women, saying that the kidnapping and killing were "extremely rare."

This is a fact.The proportion of women in the murder case is about one -third, and only 13 % of the red others have been killed.Many female victims are killed by partners and past partners.The possibility of being killed at home is much higher than the park.

In other words, women need a sense of balance.While being alert to the extent that society is appropriate, do not overrease to the danger of being said to be "not enough to take" or "often happen."

Dr. Fiona Vera -Gray, an assistant professor at the University of Dalam, explains this situation with the word "appropriate panic."

"You won't be in such an incident at all, but if you get to someone in a woman, if you get on you, it's your responsibility that you were not afraid. You have to panic.You are said to be bad, and if you get too panic, it will be a hysteria. "

According to Ana Burley, a co -founder of a woman's right to protect the rights, "Retrive the city" said, "When a woman was killed by a stranger in public places, that happened.It is extremely rare, and the city is said to be very safe. "

"But from the experience of harassment that we actually received in the city, such as cat -calling (sexual voice calling) and exposed madness, we can see that we are not safe, and it is extremely rare to have murder with the first offense."

"You should not find a solution that wants women to change their behavior. Women should walk through the park in 5 minutes, regardless of day and night, regardless of the fear of violence."

In the ideal world, everyone will be able to live their lives without being harassed by others.Whether you're wearing a mini skirt studded with diamonds, wearing a headphone with a platinum noise canceling function, or wearing a hemp connection with a vigilance, you can go on a dark path on a dark path.It should be safe to cross it.

But if such a utopia is realized, will the advice provided by police and charity actually protect women until it reaches there?If you ignore the very problematic discourse of condemn the victim, will you protect us from the dangers of third parties as a real problem, even if it's unpleasant?

He suggests that the murder of Nessa, Evarado, Henry and Smallman's sisters is not.

They followed the "rules" and were still killed.The culprit who killed Evalado was unbearable on the main street of streetlights and security cameras installed everywhere.The man who stabbed Henry and Smallman killed two women who were neither alone nor defenseless.

The three cases above were attracting attention in the UK.A woman was attacked but was not killed, she was about to be taken into a car, but she was shaken, she was thrown sexually aggressive, but she did not assault on her body.There will be a mountain that brought women with anger, fear and panic.

Women who have been affected may have performed safety work according to the guidelines.There are very few women who are actively trying to put themselves in a situation that is repeatedly said that it is dangerous.

"Priority equivalent to terrorism measures"

After Evarado's case, the UK, Pretty Paterel, ordered the Police Audit Bureau and Fire Fire Emergency Service (HMICFRS) to investigate the police's response to women.

The investigation report was announced on the day Nessa was killed.

The report pointed out that after identifying the police's continuous failure, "fundamental changes that straddle the system."He also stated that violence against women and girls should be taken at the same priority as terrorism measures.

Mayor of London, Mayor of Saddek Khan, said, "In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to have a coordinated policy as a whole. Teaching boys to respect girls at school, and appropriate and healthy human relations education.You should start by doing it. "

He then appealed to the government that "Misodiney (female dislike) is prohibited by law" and that "harassment of women in public places should be treated as a criminal case."

Even if all these measures are implemented from tomorrow, how long will it take before the reality?Is the concept of "healthy relationships" not something that can be taught in one hand between arithmetic classes and lunch breaks, until common sense?

Women are attacked, nor because they didn't walk "as they had", nor were they wearing clothes.If a woman was killed by a stranger, the man wanted to kill the woman.There is no other reason.

Social as a whole and women as individuals should not make the criminal excuse.No matter how good it is, advice on women may be in danger.

Professor Kelly further folds.He said, "What should be sacrificed in order for a debate to protect women to protect women's freedom?"