A lineup of Yamazen's delivery box, from cheap models of 4,980 yen to security models

Yamazen will release the “Delivery BOX Peavo Series” in late June, where you can receive your luggage while you are away.The foldable "Soft Type Peavo", the "Peavo" made of zinc plating steel plate, and the "Peavo Premium" specialized in security functions are prepared, and the price is open price.The expected over -the -counter price is around 4,980 yen to 39,800 (tax included).


"Soft Type Peavo" uses a folding type that can only be used when you want to use it.You can receive luggage up to about 510 x 420 x 330mm (width x depth x height) using plastic dumboll for the core material."SPB-1" for home improvement stores and "ASPB-1" for direct sales sites are prepared, and the estimated over-the-counter price is 4,980 yen (tax included).

折りたたみ式「ソフトタイプ ピーボ」

When receiving, first put the seal and the attached padlock in the pocket in the box, the delivery driver puts the luggage, presses the receiving stamp, and then put the padlock on it.It is said that it can be used with confidence even in simple installation because it comes with a 2m installation wire.

The body size is 540 x 440 x 340mm (width x depth x height), and weighs about 1.3kg.In each case, the color is white.


The zinc plating steel sheet "Peavo" uses a dial lock on the door.It is characterized by not only receiving luggage but also shipping.The 1-door type "1BOX PBH-1" and the 2-door type "2box PBH-2" are available, and the price is 15,800 yen, 19,800 yen (tax included).

1ドアタイプ「1BOX PBH-1」、2ドアタイプ「2BOX PBH-2」

A fixed seal folder is included, and the delivery driver can press the receiving stamp.In addition, a "information POP for home delivery drivers" is included so that you can notice the home delivery BOX.With a magnet type, you can remove it and restore it to an easy -to -read position.

The body size is 638 x 500 x 610mm (width x depth x height) for the 1 -door type, and weighs about 11 kg.The 2 -door type is 638 x 500 x 850mm (same) and weighs about 15kg.In each case, the color is dark brown.

"Peavo Premium PBP-1" is a model that focuses on security and design.The price is 39,800 yen (tax included).

ピーボプレミアム PBP-1

It features a one -way cylinder tablet (dimple tablet), and it is characterized by the fact that home delivery drivers can easily lock just by turning the key.The body is made of molten zinc plating steel sheet, and is said to be stylishly finished.The company states that it is easy to secure a wide opening and put luggage in and out.

The body size is 500 x 350 x 630mm (width x depth x height) and weighs about 12 kg.The color is white and silver.A seal curl cord and a fall prevention metal fittings are included.

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